- Aquarium
- Heated to between 76F (24C) and 86F (30F)
- At least 1 gallon (4 L)
- Five gallon (19 L) and above best
- Weekly maintenance
- For 5 gal (19 L) and above: one 30-40% water change
- For below 5 gal (19 L): one 50% water change and one 100% water change
- Filter
- only needed for 5 gal (19 L) and above
- sponge filters best
- be sure to baffle the flow from a power filter
- Food
- Pellet food with protein above 38% and with fish as 1st ingredient
- Flakes known to cause bloating
- Frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp as treats
This is not intended as a complete care guide. You will find a complete one
here. Or reference the betta fish quick links at the side bar.